Theoretical classes of physical chemistry (mainly thermodynamics, kinetics and chemical bonding) and laboratories of general chemistry and physical chemistry. Classes given in Portuguese, Spanish and Catalan. Training program: “Docência +” (Ed. 2020). Universidade do Minho – Universidade de Aveiro. Example of teaching material (in Portuguese) prepared for physical chemistry classes (including Kahoot quizzes!). Bibliography: P. W. Atkins, Julio de Paula, James Keeler, Physical Chemistry, 11th Edition, 2018, Oxford University Press; P. W. Atkins, Julio de Paula, Physical Chemistry for Life Sciences, 2006, Oxford University Press. Certificates: “Profesor Titular de Universidad (Ciencias)” (ANECA) & R3 (AEI).

Example of teaching material 1

Example of teaching material 2

Example of Kahoot game-based learning 1

Example of Kahoot game-based learning 2
- Professor of Physical Chemistry Laboratory. 1st year of “Grado en Farmacia” (Pharmacy), Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC), 2024 (80 hours).
- Professor of Physical Chemistry. 1st year of “Eng. Química” (Chemical Engineering), Universidade de Aveiro (UA), 5h/week. Main responsible. 2022 (70 hours). Students evaluation: 7.3/10.
- Professor of General Chemistry Laboratory. 1st year of “Ciencias do Mar” (Marine Sciences) and “Licenciatura em Bioquímica” (Biochemistry), Universidade de Aveiro (UA), 4h/week, 2022 (56 hours). Students evaluation: 7.6/10.
- Professor of Physical Chemistry Laboratory. 2nd year of Química (Chemistry), 3rd year of “Licenciatura em Bioquímica” (Biochemistry) and “Engenharia Química” (Chemical Engineering), Universidade de Aveiro (UA), 3h/week. 2021 (42 hours). Students evaluation:
- Professor of General Chemistry Laboratory. 1st year of “Eng. Física” and “Eng. do Ambiente”, Universidade de Aveiro (UA). 6h/week. 2021 (112 hours). Students evaluation: 8/10.
- Professor of Physical Chemistry Laboratory. 2nd year of Química (Chemistry), 3rd year of “Licenciatura em Bioquímica” (Biochemistry) and “Engenharia Química” (Chemical Engineering), Universidade de Aveiro (UA), 6h/week. 2020 (84 hours). Main responsible. Students evaluation: 8.2/10.
- Professor of Biophysical Chemistry. 2nd year of “Licenciatura em Bioquímica” and “Biotecnologia”, Universidade de Aveiro (UA), 6h/week. 2020 (84 hours). Main responsible. Students evaluation: 7.7/10.
- Professor of Physical Chemistry Laboratory. 2nd year of Química (Chemistry), 3rd year of “Licenciatura em Bioquímica” (Biochemistry) and “Engenharia Química” (Chemical Engineering), Universidade de Aveiro (UA), 6h/week. 2019 (84 hours). Main responsible. Students evaluation: 7.7/10.
- Professor of General Chemistry Laboratory. 1st year of “Grado en Biotecnología” (Biotechnology), Universitat de València (UV), 2018 (30 hours).
- Professor of General Chemistry Laboratory. 1st year of “Grado en Farmacia” (Pharmacy), Universitat de València (UV), 2018 (15 hours).
- Professor of Experimentation in Chemistry. 2nd year of “Grado de Química” (Chemistry), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), 2016 (32 hours).