We are a young and dynamic research group focused on the design of electroactive molecular materials combining synthetic organic chemistry, physical chemistry and materials science. Our research encompasses the design, synthesis and characterization of electroactive organic/hybrid molecules/polymers as well as the study of their electrical, optical and magnetic properties towards applications in electronics and energy storage. We have a strong cooperative spirit maintaining collaborations with groups from different parts of the world.

Electroactive organic building blocks: Our research encompasses the design and synthesis of novel electroactive organic building blocks exhibiting tunable physical properties such as electrical conductivity, redox activity, luminescence or magnetism. A considerable amount of our work consists of synthetic organic chemistry and the characterization of organic molecules by multiple spectroscopic techniques. 

Electroactive organic/hybrid polymers: Some  electroactive organic molecules are employed as building blocks for the construction of functional porous polymers such as Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs) or Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) exhibiting multiple functions and electronic properties (Chem. Eur. J.  2020, 26, 10912). We pay special attention to the physical properties of these materials such as electronic/ionic conductivity, redox activity, porosity and chemical/thermal stability. 


Molecular-based devices: We also manufacture different devices using targeted electroactive organic molecules or polymers as active components towards applications in energy storage or electronics. For example, we carry out the whole process of battery manufacturing (including electrode preparation and coin cell assembly). We also optimize the processing of materials to improve the performance of the resulting devices.


CIQUS facilitiesNMR (2 – 300 MHz, 1 – 500 MHz), chromatographic techniques (HPLC-MS, GC, SFC, LCMS, GCMS), UV-vis, CD, fluorescence spectrophotometers, Raman, ATR-FTIR, calorimetry techniques (DSC, TGA, ITC), PXRD, particle analyzers (DLS, MADLS), high-performance flow cytometer, volumetric adsorption equipment, AFM, confocal microscopes, high-pressure lab (complete list of equipments). USC Central Services: microscopies (TEM, SEM, AFM), high-field NMR, X-ray (single-crystal and powder), mass spectrometers (electrospray ionization and MALDI), UV-vis/fluorescence spectrometers.

Organic synthesis laboratory

           Potentiostat/Galvanostat Autolab PGSTAT302N + VA Stand (Methrom)

Potentiostat/Galvanostat/EIS VIONIC + accessories (Methrom)

          MiniFlex X-ray diffractometer (Rigaku)

Spectrometer FLEX Res UV/VIS/NIR. Absorbance + transmittance + fluorescence + reflectance measurements (Sarspec)

Film Coating Machine with Dryer (Xiamen Tob)

Coin Cell Punching Machine TOB-CP-60 (12, 16 mm dies) (Xiamen Tob)

Battery Tester TOB-CT-4008-5V10mA-14 (Xiamen Tob)

ULTRA-TURRAX Tube Drive P control (BMT-20-S 25 x 20 mL tube) (IKA)

Elmasonic P ultrasonic with multi-frequency (37 & 80 Hz) (Elma)

TGA Q5000 (TA Instruments) (CIQUS)

Spectrum Two FT-IR Spectrometer (PerkinElmer) (CIQUS)

3Flex Adsorption Analyzer (Micromeritics) (CIQUS)

PARSTAC MC Multichannel Potentiostat (Ametek) (CIQUS)

Park NX10 AFM (Park Systems) (CIQUS)

HCP421V-MPS Vacuum Chamber Probe Station (Instec) (CIQUS)

Empyrean PANalytical diffractometer. Capillary PXRD (transmission mode) with focusing mirror (CICECO)

Liquid- (300 and 500 MHz) and solid-state (400-700 MHz) NMR (including LC-NMR) (Bruker) (CICECO)

MultiRAM FT-Raman (Bruker) (CICECO)

Tensor 27 FT-IR (Bruker) with ATR (Specac) (CICECO)