Participation in EuChemS & MOF2024
Part of the team attended the 9th EuChemS (7-11 July, Dublin, Ireland) and the MOF2024 (15-19 July, Singapore) conferences.
Part of the team attended the 9th EuChemS (7-11 July, Dublin, Ireland) and the MOF2024 (15-19 July, Singapore) conferences.
Raquel has completed a PhD research stay (funded by IMFAHE's Global Portugal Fellowship 2023, IMFAHE Foundation) in the Lutkenhaus Lab at Texas A&M University.
Fanni (from Budapest) and Tianshu (from Beijing) are starting the PhD journey at CiQUS. Welcome!
Manuel and Paula participated in the 2024 French MOFs, COFs and Porous Polymers Conference in Lyon (10-11 June). Thanks Alex, Jérôme and Aude for the invitation.
Manuel has been admitted as a new Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE).
Marylin Dmello has been awarded a prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship. Congrats!Marilyn Esclance DMello (India, 1993) obtained her BSc in Chemistry (2014) from Goa University and MSc in Analytical…
Paula (from Valencia) has just joined the group as a postdoctoral researcher while Jonathan (from Rome) has started his PhD at CiQUS. Welcome to Santiago!
Manuel has started a new position as Oportunius Research Professor at CIQUS - University of Santiago de Compostela (USC).
Manuel gave an invited talk at the EuroMOF conference (Granada, 24-27 September 2023) and Catarina contributed with a poster presentation.
Our latest work on the direct C-H-arylation of dithiophene-tetratafulvalene and the formation of 2D self-assembled molecular networks has been highlighted as Front Cover and Cover Profile in Chem. Eur. J.