Arindam has been awarded a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship
Arindam Mal has been awarded a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship with the project "Multi-carbonyl-COFs as high capacity organic cathodes for lithium batteries" (McCOFs). Congrats, Arindam!
Arindam Mal has been awarded a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship with the project "Multi-carbonyl-COFs as high capacity organic cathodes for lithium batteries" (McCOFs). Congrats, Arindam!
Last Friday (January 24th), CiQUS hosted a scientific meeting with researchers from CICECO – Aveiro Institute of Materials, the largest Portuguese institute in the field of materials science and engineering. This event highlights…
Catarina's latest work has been published in JACS! We report a proton-electron dual-conductive MOF based on tetrathiafulvalene-phosphonate linkers and lanthanum ions. Check out the article in JACS and the news highlighting the work in…
Part of the team participated in the "Ciencia Singular" outreach event to explain to the general audience the research we are conducting at CiQUS.
Manuel participated in the IV Encontro Oportunius at Cidade da Cultura in Santiago.
Catarina and Jonathan participated in the ElectROBatt conference in Bucharest. Well done!
Paula Escamilla has been awarded a Juan de la Cierva 2023 fellowship funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science. Congrats!
We were happy to host Prof. Mircea Dincă (MIT) at CiQUS. Thanks for the visit and inspiring talk!
Gonçalo Valente defended his PhD entitled "Development and Characterization of Electroactive Metal- and Covalent-Organic Frameworks" on 19 September 2024 at the University of Aveiro and is the first Doctor from the…
Arindam Mal (from West Bengal, India), Marilyn DMello (from Goa, India) and Ricardo Faria Mendes (from Guimarães, Portugal) join the group as postdoctoral researchers. Welcome to Santiago!